
Physics constitutes  the very foundation of men’s efforts to understand nature. The laws of physics, which are reached through observations and careful experimentation, find applications from the subatomic particles to the astronomic formations such as stars and galaxies.The purpose of a physicist is to enrich our knowledge about the universe through these laws and the underlying mathematical formalism. Physics also contributes to society by providing an explanation for the behavior of complex systems such as molecules, solids, liquids, even living organisms. The design of advanced technology materials,the fabrication of semiconductor devices, the development of optical communication systems have mostly evolved as applications of ideas and observations that originally came from physicists.

Our department has both theoretical and experimental research activities. Quantum physics, gravitation, quantum optics, mathematical physics, superconductivity / superfluidity and analytical/computational studies of biological physics are the main theoretical research interests. On the experimental research side, the department focuses on solid state lasers, optoelectronic and microphotonic materials and devices, nano-optics and metamaterials. The department has ample computing facilities and students are encouraged to use the computers as much as possible. 

Every year, very few and highly qualified students are admitted to our department with full scholarship. In general accordance with the liberal arts educational philosophy of Koç University, our program offers our graduates a solid physics background, and prepares them with a broad knowledge base to follow up careers in various related disciplines. In addition to the area courses, we also offer independent study courses where the student works closely with a faculty member on a research project to develop research skills. The program is flexible and allows a double major with other disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science. Students from other departments are also encouraged (with an extension of their scholarship into the fifth year) to obtain a second major in physics or, alternatively, complete a minor program in physics by taking six courses some of which they are free to choose.

Our graduates were able to receive full scholarships to pursue Ph.D. degrees in physics and other related disciplines from prestigious universities such as Boston University, California Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Rice University, Rutgers University, University of Alberta, University of Central Florida, University of Maryland, University of Iowa, University of Texas A&M, and University of Rochester.

Undergraduate Program



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Double Major Programs

Click for detailed information about Double Major Program courses.



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Minor Program

Click for detailed information about Minor Program courses.

Research Opportunities

Research projects establish one of the main foundations of physics undergraduate education. The number of physics undergraduate students working on research projects and contributing to international literature has been ever increasing. In parallel to this, the undergraduate students in our department find many opportunities to significantly contribute to ongoing research projects. If you would like to learn how physics research is conducted and how new phenomena are discovered, do not hesitate to contact the faculty members working in the research field of your interest. You can follow the research projects conducted in our department through this link. Some projects may not be suitable for starters as they will require more technical knowledge. Faculty members will happily direct you towards research projects that are suitable for you.

Many institutes in the world are organizing summer research programs in physics. Below you can find a partial list of such smmer programs targeting undergraduate students. Financial supports are also provided in some of these programs. You should not hesitate to contact any researcher in the world and inquire about summer research opportunities. Many students use this direct approach and find exciting summer projects. In this approach, you can make your own financial arrangements with your host researchers. We wish you good luck.


Research Areas

Our department has both theoretical and experimental research activities. Additionally, the department has ample computing facilities and students are encouraged to use the computers as much as possible. Quantum physics, gravitation, quantum optics, superconductivity/ superfluidity and analytical/computational studies of biological physics are the main theoretical research interests. On the experimental research side, the department focuses on solid state lasers, optoelectronic and microphotonic materials and devices, and nano – optics. There are four main research laboratories within the department: Laser Research Laboratory (LRL), Microphotonics Research Laboratory (MRL), Optofluidics and Nano-Optics Research Laboratory (NRL), and Brain Imaging and Control Laboratyory (BIC).

Experimental Studies

Microphotonics Research Laboratory (MRL) focuses its experimental research efforts on application areas such as optical fiber communication, silicon photonics, laser spectroscopy, and laser diagnostics. The research encompasses the design, fabrication, characterization, and testing of novel optoelectronic devices. Photonic structures such as high-quality factor optical microcavities as well as novel dielectric and semiconductor materials such as black silicon are used for the realization of these optoelectronic devices.

Principal Investigator:  Prof. Dr. Ali Serpengüzel
Laser Research Laboratory (LRL) focuses on the development and characterization of new solid-state sources of coherent radiation. Solid-state lasers, where coherent laser radiation is produced via stimulated emission inside ion-doped crystals, have been widely used in many technological and scientific applications. To date, experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out in the areas of near-infrared tunable solid-state lasers, diode-pumped laser systems, modeling of thermal effects in solid-state lasers, spectroscopy of new solid-state materials, ultrafast lasers, nonlinear optics, and passive Q switching.

Frequency-doubled Cr4+:forsterite laser. Laser Research Laboratory.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Alphan Sennaroglu

Optofluidics and Nano-Optics Research Laboratory focuses on applications in high resolution fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescent nanoparticles are powerful tools that are used in characterizing polymers and biological specimens, and developing new photonic devices. In our laboratory, we perform fluorescent imaging with the sensitivity of a single fluorescent molecule using either a wide-field microscopy or a confocal microscopy setup. We also pursue research on optical microcavity based photonic devices. Optical microcavities that we are intensely characterizing are single liquid microdroplets located on a superhydrophobic surface.

Optofluidics and Nano-Optics Research Laboratory.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Alper Kiraz


Theoretical Studies

Prof. Tekin Dereli , Ph.D. METU, 1976
Quantum information theory, phase space quantization, standard electroweak theory and string models, generalized theories of gravitation, gravitational waves.

Assoc. Prof. Kaan Güven, Ph.D.Bilkent U., 1999
Physics of metamaterials, plasmonics, transformation optics, scientific computation, condensed matter physics.

Assoc. Prof. Menderes Işkın, Ph.D. Georgia Inst. of Tech., 2007
Many-body physics, degenerate Fermi and Bose gases, superfluidity, BCS theory of superconductivity, Bose-Einstein condensates, BCS-BEC crossover, optical lattices.

Assoc. Prof. Alkan Kabakçıoğlu, Ph.D. MIT, 1999
Statistical mechanics of complex systems, structure and folding of biomolecules. Regulation of gene expression in cells.

Prof. Ali Mostafazadeh, Ph.D. U. Texas-Austin, 1994
PT-symmetric quantum mechanics, geometric phase in quantum mechanics, topological quantum symmetries, supersymmetry and parasupersymmetry, quantum cosmologies.

Prof. Özgür Mustecaplıoğlu, Ph.D. Bilkent U., 1999
Quantum optics, atomic, molecular and optical physics, photonics.

Asst. Prof. Fethi Mübin Ramazanoğlu, Ph.D. Princeton U., 2012
Gravitational waves, numerical relativity, astrophysics of compact objects, alternative theories of gravitation, black hole evaporation.

Physics Seminars

Physics seminars are regularly held in SCI 103 on Tuesdays 14:30.


Master of Science in Physics
PhD in Physics
Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
PhD in Materials Science and Engineering
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering